Maintenance & Repairs
Brand-neutral and Cross-product
We repair or supply spare parts for:
- Air tools (grinders, screwdrivers, riveters, etc.)
- Pneumatic drives (cylinders, valves, linear drives, sensors)
- Charging systems and electronic devices (including DGUV V3, 0701/0702)
- Hydraulic tools, clamping cylinders
- Böllhoff, Gesipa, IngersollRand, AtlasCopco, Festo, Desoutter, YALE, and more...
Many technical products require operational repair due to wear or defects. This necessitates qualified personnel, experience, special tools, and workplaces.
– We take care of all aspects, from tools to assuming departmental responsibilities.

Spare Part Ordering
Through the Nordisch spare parts service, you can find detailed exploded views of various devices online – allowing you to select all the individual parts you want to order from the illustration. And you can be truly sure that you will receive exactly what you need. Is your device not listed yet? No problem! Contact us, and we'll take care of it.

Repair Inquiry
On our homepage, you will find the Nordisch repair inquiry through quick service – available 24/7! Whether pneumatic, hydraulic, electronic, or in the field of battery technology: simply select in the form and inquire directly. Our team takes care of your request immediately upon receipt and according to your preferences for a cost estimate or personal contact.